Revision Booster Series


Biology Quiz 1 Aug 2023

1 / 10

Fusing gametes are morphologically distinct type in

2 / 10

Select the incorrect match form the following.

3 / 10

In angiosperms, triple fusion involves the union of

4 / 10

ABO blood grouping in human beings is an example of a) Incomplete dominance b) Co-dominance c) Complete dominance d) Pleotropy e) Multiple allelism The correct one (s) is/are

5 / 10

In human., which genotype of sperm when fuses with normal egg results in Klinefelter’s syndrome?

6 / 10

For which of the following codons, there would be no tRAN?

7 / 10

Arrange the following steps involved in DNA fingerprinting technique in correct order and choose the option accordingly.a) Transferring of DNA fragments to synthetic membrane. b) Digestion of DNA by restriction endonucleases. c) Hybridisation using labelled VNTR probe. d) Separation DNA fragments by electrophoresis.

8 / 10

Match the following columns and select the correct option w.r.t. lac operon.Column I Column II A. Z gene i. Codes for repressor protein B. Operator ii. Codes for 𝛃 galactosidase C. Regulator gene iii. Site for RNA polymerase attachment D. Promotor iv. Interacts with repressor protein

9 / 10

In the root nodules of leguminous plants, nitrogenase is protected from molecular oxygen due to presence of

10 / 10

Which of the following statements is not true regarding photosystem I involved in the light reaction in plants?


Biology Quiz 2 Aug 2023

1 / 10

How many matching are incorrect according to different organisms and their family : a. Man – Homo b. Housefly – Musca c. Housefly – Muscidae d. Mango – Anacardiaceae e. Wheat – Poaceae

2 / 10

Which of the following statement is true a. Diatoms are chrysophytes b. Diatoms are stagnant plants of water c. Diatoms are cheif producers of ocean d. In most of diatoms cell wall form two thin overlapping shells which fit together as in a soap box

3 / 10

Apocarpous condition is found in

4 / 10

A scar in seed through which seeds are attached to the fruit is known as

5 / 10

Among China rose, Mustard, Brinjal, Potato, Guava, Cucumber and tulip how many plants have superior ovary :

6 / 10

Which is incorrect :

7 / 10

Which is the incorrect statement regarding classification system

8 / 10

How many statements are correct with reference to Euglena : i. Euglena is a flagellate organism ii. Euglena when placed in continuous darkness, loses its photosynthetic activity and dies iii. The pigments of euglena are quite different from those of green plants (Higher plants)

9 / 10

Difference between Virus and Viroid is

10 / 10

When dikaryon is formed :


Biology Quiz 3 Aug 2023

1 / 10

How many matching are incorrect according to different organisms and their family : a. Man – Homo b. Housefly – Musca c. Housefly – Muscidae d. Mango – Anacardiaceae e. Wheat – Poaceae

2 / 10

Which of the following statement is true a. Diatoms are chrysophytes b. Diatoms are stagnant plants of water c. Diatoms are cheif producers of ocean d. In most of diatoms cell wall form two thin overlapping shells which fit together as in a soap box

3 / 10

Apocarpous condition is found in

4 / 10

A scar in seed through which seeds are attached to the fruit is known as

5 / 10

Among China rose, Mustard, Brinjal, Potato, Guava, Cucumber and tulip how many plants have superior ovary :

6 / 10

Which is incorrect :

7 / 10

Which is the incorrect statement regarding classification system

8 / 10

How many statements are correct with reference to Euglena : i. Euglena is a flagellate organism ii. Euglena when placed in continuous darkness, loses its photosynthetic activity and dies iii. The pigments of euglena are quite different from those of green plants (Higher plants)

9 / 10

Difference between Virus and Viroid is

10 / 10

When dikaryon is formed :


Biology Quiz 4 Aug 2023

1 / 10

Underground stem store food and can acts as :

2 / 10

Which one of the following feature are applicable upon Earthworm, Roundworm, Hookworm, Filariaworm : a. All are dioecious b. All are monoecious c. Bilateral symmetry d. Segmented body

3 / 10

In the given below example. How many plants are cryptogams and phanerogams respectively : Spirogyra, Sargassum, Fern, Funaria, Cycas, Pinus, Volvox, Adiantum, Salvinia, Equisetum, Ginkgo, Psilotum

4 / 10

Arrange the following in ascending order of similar characteristic. I. Family II. Genus Ill. Class IV. Species V. Order

5 / 10

Which of the following is not considered as a comb jellies :

6 / 10

In MOET cow is adminstered hormone with :

7 / 10

Tomato, brinjal and potato belongs to the family :

8 / 10

Rosette of leaves and a tuft of roots is found in which plant :

9 / 10

Which is correct statement :

10 / 10

Characteristic features of gymnosperms is/are: (a) Mycorrhiza found in Pinus (b) Dioecious plant is Pinus (c) Xerophytic characters found in the leaves (d) Haploid endosperm.


Biology Quiz 5 Aug 2023

1 / 10

In a cell in aerobic respiration what is the correct sequence of different process :

2 / 10

Which of the following feature are similar between non cyclic and cyclic photophosphorylation : a. Number of ATP production b. ATP production c. ATP, NADPH+H+ production d. Number of NADPH+H+ production

3 / 10

In C4 plant the light reaction are takes place in :

4 / 10

How many matching are correct according to activator of enzyme : a. PEPCO – Mg+2 b. RUBISCO – Mn+2 c. Alcohol dehydrogenase – Zn+2 d. Peroxidase, Nitrogenase – K+ e. Nitrogenase – Mg+2

5 / 10

A column of water within xylem vessels of tall trees does not break under its weight because of :

6 / 10

Which one of the following feature are similar among Antiport, Symport, Imbitition, Diffusion, Osmosis. a. All are passive process b. All are uphill process c. All are required special membrane protein

7 / 10

Read the given example properly - Morphine, Abrin, Ricin, Gums, Vinblastin, Anthocyanins Protein, Nucleic acid. How many statements are correct : a. All are belong from same category of chemical. b. All have identifiable function. c. All have not identifiable function at the moment. d. All are metabolites

8 / 10

What is the R group in the serine and alanineamino acid respectively :

9 / 10

Dense connective tissue are divided into dense regular and dense irregular tissue on the basis of which feature :

10 / 10

Which one of the following feature are not similar between maize and mango : a. Secondary growth b. Number of xylem c. Palisade parenchyma d. Root hair


Biology Quiz 6 Aug 2023

1 / 10

In human body other than kidney which organ or gland are also help in the elimination of excretory wastes : a. Lungs b. Liver c. Skin d. Cartilage e. Stomach

2 / 10

In laboratory two sample of Henley loop are placed X and Y. X are larger than Y. What is the conclusion are arised from these samples – a. X sample is of aquatic animal and Y is terrestrial animal b. X sample is of terrestrial animal and Y is aquatic animal c. Length of Henley loop is not related with habitat of animal d. Length of henley loop is directly propotional to amount of water occurs in that habitat at which animal live.

3 / 10

Blood pressure in the mammalian aorta is maximum during :

4 / 10

In our heart two problem are creates first in heart stop beating and second is heart muscle issuddenly damaged. This problem of heart are respectively :

5 / 10

Another centre present in the which region of the brain can moderate the function of the respiratory rhythm centre. What is the centre and region of the brain respectively :

6 / 10

In breathing inspiration and expiration initiated by which respectively :

7 / 10

Which one of the following statements are correct:

8 / 10

Marasmus disorder is produced by the simultaneous deficiency of :

9 / 10

Which one of the following mathematical relation are true :

10 / 10

Which one of the following statement are correct about respiratory quotient (RQ) : a. RQ may be 1 b. RQ may be more than 1 c. RQ may be less than 1 d. RQ may be infinity


Biology Quiz 7 Aug 2023

1 / 10

Which of the following is the correct sequence of events in the origin of life : I. Formation of protobionts II. Synthesis of organic monomers III. Synthesis of organic polymers IV. Formation of DNA-based genetic system

2 / 10

During experiment upon drosophila morgan saw quickly that when the two genes in a dihybrid cross were situated on the same chromosomes, the proportion of parental gene combinations were much higher than the non parental type. What is the behaviour of genes behind this phenomena:

3 / 10

In a male person after vesectomy what is the condition in his body :

4 / 10

Which one of the following statements about morula in humans is correct :

5 / 10

A person in your home suddenly feel earthquakes then what is the immediate condition in the body: a. Glycogenolysis b. Glycogenesis c. Breakdown of lipids and proteins d. Decrease the strength of heart contraction

6 / 10

The hypersecretion of GH in child and adult causes disease respectively :

7 / 10

A man is eating the variety of food. During eating is the food they smell the food and after eating the food he realise that smell of food and taste of food are very good. Which sensory organ are work for this realisation respectively :

8 / 10

The cerebral cortex contains a large regions that are neither clearly sensory nor motor in function. These regions are called as :

9 / 10

Which of the following are correct representation of sarcomere :

10 / 10

The pectoral girdle consists of :


Biology Quiz 8 Aug 2023

1 / 10

Many species extinction in the last 500 years eg., passenger pigeon, steller's sea cow were due to which reason :

2 / 10

What is the correct equation of species area relationships C = Intercept S = species richness A = Area Z = regression coefficient

3 / 10

In an area, as the succession proceeds what changes occurs in that areas :

4 / 10

In ecosystem at which trophic level human are placed : a. may be second trophic level b. may be third trophic level c. may be first trophic level d. may be fourth trophic level

5 / 10

If in a pond there were 50 water Hyacinth plant last year and through reproduction 10 new plants are added, taking the current population to 60. What is the birth rate for this plant :

6 / 10

Which one of the following habitat in which life did not exist :

7 / 10

Which of the following are palindromic sequence:

8 / 10

What is the similarity between inbreeding and out crossing :

9 / 10

A student when hear that he is failed in exam. after hearing this news he mentally disturbed and goes into depression. His parents are goes with student to a doctor then doctor suggested which drug :

10 / 10

In antibody molecule the disulphide bond are present between : a. Two heavy chain b. Two light chain c. Heavy and light chain


Biology Quiz 9 Aug 2023

1 / 10

Somatic hybridisation is accomplished by :

2 / 10

How many diseases are mendalian disorders Haemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Thalassemia, sickel - cell anaemia, Pernicious Anaemia, colour blindness, night blindness, glycosuria :

3 / 10

The secretory phase in the human menstrual cycle is also called:

4 / 10

Late detection and improper treatment of STIs leads to

5 / 10

Which of the following statements are correct with reference to papaya plants : a. Autogamy will not occur b. Geitonogamy will not occur c. Xenogamy occur d. Only staminate or pistillate flowers occur

6 / 10

It is possible to store pollen grains of a large number of species for many years. Which type of chemical is used at which temperature

7 / 10

For formation of male gametophyte and female gametophyte which kind of process is similar in angiosperm

8 / 10

Which of the following statements are incorrect according to isogametes of cladophora

9 / 10

For upgradation of quality of fuel and quality of vehicle engines which term are used :

10 / 10

The average temperature at surface of earth with out green house effect would have been :


Biology Quiz 10 Aug 2023

1 / 10

In a study, which cells are found in COVID-19 patients 'bode well' for long term immunity ::

2 / 10

Which ancestral man first started ceremonial burial :

3 / 10

In which type of natural selection more individuals acquire peripheral character value at both ends of the distribution curve:

4 / 10

Velocity of air between the collecting plates in the electrostatic precipitator must be :

5 / 10

Which association exemplifies commensalism (a) Orchid and Mango (b) Egret and Cattle (c) Clown fish and Adamsia (d) Barnacle and Balaenoptera

6 / 10

Use of microorganisms for the disposal of pollutants is termed as

7 / 10

Transgenic plants are produced by

8 / 10

Downstream processing of drug include

9 / 10

Which one is vectorless gene transfer method

10 / 10

What causes shivering in malaria :


Biology Quiz 11 Aug 2023

1 / 10

Copy - ' Lubb ' sound produced during heart beat is caused by 

2 / 10

' Lubb ' sound produced during heart beat is caused by 

3 / 10

The respiratory centre, which regulates respiration,is located in 

4 / 10

Ptyalin is the another of 

5 / 10

Witch of the following is/are free living nitrogen fixers 

6 / 10

Witch rang of wavelength ( in nm ) is called photo synthetically active radiation ( PAR ) 

7 / 10

  Electrontransporty System ( ETS ) is located in mitochondrial 

8 / 10

Coconut water contain

9 / 10

A gland not associated with the alimentary canal is

10 / 10

Hepato pancreatic duct opens in to the duodenum and carries 


Biology Quiz 12 Aug 2023

1 / 10

Most of the bacteria are

2 / 10

Which of the following use water from their environment as circulating fluid

3 / 10

Alertness pupillaly dilation and piloerection are due to the effect of 

4 / 10

A dental disease characterized by mottling of teeth due to ingredient in drinking water, namely 

5 / 10

The hydrolytic action of the following enzyme produces pentose sugar 

6 / 10

Which of the following carnival nerve of man is both sensory and motor 

7 / 10

Streaming of cytoplasm I cyclosis is seen in

8 / 10

Which of the following molecules is the most toxic to the cells 

9 / 10

Ammonia and urea are waste products derived from the metabolic breakdown of

10 / 10

A healthy person will not excrete in its urine 


Biology Quiz 13 Aug 2023

1 / 10

In algae we find 

2 / 10

Coconut water contain 

3 / 10

When a plant undergoes senescence, the nutrients may be 

4 / 10

An acid soluble compound formed by phosphorylation of nucleoside is called 

5 / 10

In conifers, fibres are likely to be absent in 

6 / 10

How many shoot apical meristems are likely to be present in a twig of a plant possessing 4 branches and 26 leaves 

7 / 10

Many pulses of daily use belong to one of the familiesbelow 

8 / 10

Roots development from Parts of the plant other than radicle are called 

9 / 10

Witch of the following plants is used to extract the blue dye 

10 / 10

Which of the following organisms do not reproduce 


Biology Quiz 14 Aug 2023

1 / 5

Evely 100 ml of oxygenated blood delivers following amount of 0 2 to the tissue under nolmal physiological condition

2 / 5

The palt of the nephron that helps in active reabolption of sodium is

3 / 5

Upon stimulating of skeletal muscles calcium is immediately made available for binding to troponin from

4 / 5

A dental disease characterized by mottling of teeth due to ingredient in drinking water, namely

5 / 5

Witch of the following hormones is not secreted by anterior pituitary 


Biology Quiz 15 Aug 2023

1 / 298

Which of the following is haplodiplontic tracheophyte

2 / 298

Which is true about sporophyte of liverwort

3 / 298

Which of the following is absent in gymnosperm 

4 / 298

Consider the following statements 

(A) both sporophyte and gametophyte is photos in algae

(B) Algae have single cell sporophyte.

How many are correct 

5 / 298

Which of the following is present in gymnosperm analogus to egg apparatus in angiosperm

6 / 298

Zoospore present in the except

7 / 298

Which of the following is diploid 

8 / 298

Which of the following is present in selaginella

9 / 298

Which of the following is oogamous

10 / 298

Which of the following is unisexual plant 

11 / 298

Chl b, haplontic,fucoxanthin, zoospore,chl a,algin how many can be present in fucus

12 / 298

Which is not common in heterosporous pteridophytes and gymnosperm 

13 / 298

A healthy person will not excrete in its urine 

14 / 298

'Lubb' sound produced during heart beat is caused by 

15 / 298

Statement 1: The first mammals were like coelacanth

Statement 2: When reptiles came down mammals took over this earth 

16 / 298

Statement 1: Monocistronic genes are found in prokaryotes

Statement 2: Polycistronic genes are found in eukaryotes 

17 / 298

Statement 1: In transcription, only a segment of DNA and it's both the strands are copied into RNA

Statement 2: The process of replication, once set in,du plicates the total DNA of an organism

18 / 298

Statement 1: origin of replication is a definite region in E . coli DNA,where the replication originates 

Statement 2: The vectors in r DNA procedures provide the origin of replication 

19 / 298

Statement 1: Deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates serve dual purpose in replication process 

Statement 2: Deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates act as substrates and also provides energy for polymerization 

20 / 298

Mendelian disorders may be dominant or recessive

Statement 2: By pedigree analysis it can be easily inter pretend whether the trait is dominant or recessive 

21 / 298

Statement 1: The individuals affected by klinefelter's or Turner's syndrome are fertile

Statement 2: Klinefelter's and Turner's syndrome are due to aneuploidy 

22 / 298

Statement 1: Pills are less effective the with more side effects and are less accepted by females

Statement 2: Implants are generally advised for the male/ female partner as a terminal method to prevent any more pregnancies

23 / 298

Statement 1: Sperms released from seminiferous tubules are transported by the accessory ducts

Statement 2: Secretions of epididymis,vas deferens, seminal vesicle and prostate are essential for maturation and motility of sperms

24 / 298

Statement 1: Syngamy results in the formation of endosperm

Statement 2: Triple fusion results in the formation of embryo 

25 / 298

Statement 1: Flowering plants have developed many our breeding devices to discourage self pollination and to encourage cross pollination 

Statement 2: Continued self pollination result in inbreeding depression 


26 / 298

Statement 1: Both wind and water pollinated flowers are not very colourful and do not produce nectar

Statement 2: There is a need to attract the pollinating agent in wind and water pollinating flowers 

27 / 298

Life cycles of Ectocarpus and Focus respectively, are

28 / 298

Citrus canker is caused by

29 / 298

Taxonomic key is one of the following taxonomic tools in the identification and classification of plant and is used in the preparation of

30 / 298

Assertion : Interphase occupies 75-95% of the total generation time

Reason : Interphase ( I - phase ) is the long non dividing phase 

31 / 298

Hepato pancreatic duct opens in to the duodenum and carries 

32 / 298

liver is the largstgland and is associated with various functions, choose one which is not correct 

33 / 298

We can produce concentrated / dilute urine. This is facilitated by aspecial mechanism. Identify the mechanism 

34 / 298

Which one of the following is not a characteristic of phylum annelida 

35 / 298

Intercalated discs are the communication junctions between the cells of 

36 / 298

Bacteria is a group of prokaryotic organisms which is characterized by 

37 / 298

The steroid responsible for balance of water and electrolytes in our body is 

38 / 298

Assertion: PTH is a hypercalcemic hormone

Reason : PTH stimulating the process of bone resolution 

39 / 298

Which of the following conditions is not linked to deficiency of thyroid hormone 

40 / 298

Adventitious roots are adventitious in their 

41 / 298

Most of the bacteria are 

42 / 298

Metamerism is the characteristic of 

43 / 298

In algae we find 

44 / 298

The flagellate I motile spore is called 

45 / 298

Organisms that can respond to stimuli are 

46 / 298

Metabolic reactions take place 

47 / 298

Statement 1: All the events of sexual reproduction prior to the fusion of gametes are included in the post fertilisation events

Statement 2: pre fertilisation events includes gametogenesis and embryogenesis 

48 / 298

Statement 1: Croup is used for storing of food in cockroach

Statement 2: Hepatic caecea of cockroach product digestive enzyme 

49 / 298

 Statement 1: papaver somniferum is cultivated to obtain drugs

Statement 2: Morphine is obtained from its latex 

50 / 298

Which of the following organisms do not reproduce 

51 / 298

Statement 1: E. Coli divides in 20 minutes

Statement 2: In E. coli , the process of replication pletes within 18 minutes. Com- 

52 / 298

Statement 1: The first mammals were like coelacanth

Statement 2: When reptiles came down mammals took over this earth 

53 / 298

Statement 1: Monocistronic genes are found in prokaryotes

Statement 2: polycistronic genes are found in eukaryotes 

54 / 298

Statement 1: Mendelian disorders may be dominant or recessive

Statement 2: By pedigree analysis it can be easily inter pretend whether the trait is dominant or recessive 

55 / 298

Statement 1: The individuals affected by klinefelter's or Turner's syndrome are fertile

Statement 2: Klinefelter's and Turner's syndrome are due to aneuploidy

56 / 298

Statement 1: Mode of action of pills and implant/ injectable is similar

Statement 2: The effective period of pills is much longer as compared to implants/ injectable 

57 / 298

Statement 1: The presence of X or Y chromosome in the sperm determines the sex of the embryo

Statement 2: All the eggs have one X chromosome 

58 / 298

Statement 1: Syngamy results in the formation of endosperm

Statement 2: Triple fusion results in the formation of embryo 

59 / 298

Statement 1: Amphibians often hibernate in winter and aestivate in summer

  1. Statement 2:  Amphibians are poikilothermic animals and cannot regulate body temperature 

60 / 298

Statement 1: When ovules are born on central axis,it is called axile placentation

Statement 2: In parietal placentation, the ovules develop on the outer periphery of the ovary 

61 / 298

Statement 1: Main plant body of bryophytes is sporophytic

Statement 2: Main plant body of pteridophytes is gametophytic

62 / 298

Statement 1: In numerical taxonomy observable characters are not given equal importance

Statement 2: More than 20 characters can't be studied at a time in numerical taxonomy 

63 / 298

Statement 1: Most algal genera are haplontic

Statement 2: The dominant phase in all Bryophytes is gametophyte

64 / 298

Statement 1: The pteridophytes are found in cool,damp, shady place

Statement 2: In pteridophytes, the main plant body is a sporophyte 

65 / 298

Statement 1: Almost all bacteria possess lipoproteinaceous plasma membrane

Statement 2: The plasma membrane of archaebacteria as well as eubacteria have same type of lipids 

66 / 298

Statement 1: Zoospores are motile and aplanospores are non motile in nature

Statement 2: These spores are endogenously produced in sporangia

67 / 298

Statement 1: A mature sieve element does not have cytoplasm

Statement 2: The nucleus and vacuole are absent in mature sieve element 

68 / 298

Statement 1: Cockroach are dioecious

Statement 2:Anal cerci occur in both male and female 

69 / 298

Statement 1: crop is used for storing of food in cockroach

Statement 2: Hepatic caecea of cockroach product digestive enzyme 

70 / 298

Statement 1: A single outcross often helps to overcome inbreeding depression

Statement 2: Out crossing is best breeding method for increasing milk productivity 

71 / 298

Statement 1: Ecosystem is a functional unit nature

Statement 2: It is a biological community and components of the physical environment 

72 / 298

Statement 1: GMO reduces the nutritional value of food

Statement 2: GMO increases the post harvesting losses

73 / 298

Statement 1: Protein crystal of bacillus thuringiensis contain toxic insecticidal protein

74 / 298

citrus canker is caused by 

75 / 298

A gland not associated with the alimentary canal is 

76 / 298

The organ of corti is a structure present in 

77 / 298

Statement 1: Artificial insemination is very economical method

Statement 2: Fewer sperms are required in artificial insemination 

78 / 298

Statement 1:Hisardale is cross breed of sheep

Hisardale is developed by crossing bikaneri ewe and merino ram

79 / 298

Statement 1 : AIDS occurs by retroviruses whose RNA is enveloped

Statement 2: It enters into the cell and forms new viruses

80 / 298

Statement =I:  papaver somniferum is cultivated to obtain drugs

Statement = II: Morphine is obtained from its latex

81 / 298

Copy - Transpot of organic and inorganic materials is 

82 / 298

All living organisms are linked to one another because 

83 / 298

Which of the following suffixes used for units of classification in plants indicates a taxonomic category of family 

84 / 298

The end product of oxidative phosphorylation is 

85 / 298

plasticity in plant growth means that 

86 / 298

Mark the right statement amount the following 

87 / 298

A gland not associated with the alimentary canal is 

88 / 298

A person suffers punctures in his chest cavity in an accident, with out any damage to the lungs, it's effect could be 

89 / 298

Which one of the following is also known as antidiuretic hormone 

90 / 298

The organ of corti is a structure present in 

91 / 298

The steroid responsible for balance of water and electrolytes in our body is 

92 / 298

Which of the following group of algae produces align

93 / 298

Life cycles of Ectocarpus and Focus respectively,are

94 / 298

A plant shows thallus lever of organisation. It shows rhizoid and is haploid.It needs water to complete its life cycle because the male gametes are motile.It may belong to 

95 / 298

Citrus canker is caused by 

96 / 298

Which of the following statements are true regarding human digestive system

(1) Food is not digested in the oesophagus

(2) there is no digestive juice in the mouth

(3) The large intestine is shorter than the small intestine

(4 ) Inside the large intestine, most of the water from the undigested food is absorbed by the body 

97 / 298

The ventilation movement of the lungs in mammals is governed by 

98 / 298

The respiratory centre, which regulates respiration, is located in 

99 / 298

ptyalin is the another name of 

100 / 298

Alertness, pupillaly dilation and piloerection are due to the effect of 

101 / 298

Essential elements are

102 / 298

More than elements of the discovered so far are found in different plants 

103 / 298

The effect of mineral deficiencies involving fairly mobile nutrients will be observed in 

104 / 298

During cell division, the spindle fibres attach to the chromosome at a region called 

105 / 298

The cell organelle involved in glycosylation of protein is 

106 / 298

The movement of ions into plant root cells as a result of diffusion is called 

107 / 298

The effect of mineral deficiencies involving fairly mobile nutrients will be observed in 

108 / 298

Moll's half leaf experiment proves that

109 / 298

photosynthesis is 

110 / 298

Which of the following is a free living aerobic no photosynthetic nitrogen fixer 

111 / 298

More than elements of the discovered so far are found in different plants 

112 / 298

In soil, the water available for root absorption is

113 / 298

In wheat and makoi maximum similarity occurs at the level of 

114 / 298

Which of the following suffixes used for of classification in plants indicates a taxonomic category of family 

115 / 298

The movement of mineral ions into plant root cells as a result of diffusion is called 

116 / 298

Transport of organic and inorganic materials is 

117 / 298

Which of the following components of our food are taken in quantities 

118 / 298

RAAS secrets which of the following hormone

119 / 298

A healthy person will not excrete in its urine 

120 / 298

During cell division, the spindle fibres attach to the chromosome at a region called 

121 / 298

The mitotic spindle is composed of

122 / 298

Glycogen is a polymer of 

123 / 298

The outer layer of vacuole is called 

124 / 298

The cell organelle involved in glycosylation of protein is

125 / 298

Which of the following animal is cold blooded and has 4 chambered heart 

126 / 298

Which of the following statements is correct about squamous epithelium 

127 / 298

Which one is correct about intercalary meristems 

128 / 298

In algae we find 

129 / 298

Most of the bacteria are

130 / 298

A branch or a flower is developed in the axial of leaves by 

131 / 298

Root is distinguishable from stem in

132 / 298

Adventitious roots are adventitious in their 

133 / 298

Root formed from prolongation of rad icle is 

134 / 298

Metamerism is the characteristic of 

135 / 298

An undifferentiated layer present between ectoderm and endoderm is called 

136 / 298

In algae we find 

137 / 298

The flagellate I motile spore is called 

138 / 298

Asexual reproduction occurs by production of different types of spores in algae 

139 / 298

Most of the bacteria are

140 / 298

Which of the following organisms show the most extensive metabolic diversity 

141 / 298

Organisms that can respond to stimuli are 

142 / 298

Metabolic reactions take place 

143 / 298

Which of the following organisms do not reproduce 

144 / 298

Evely 100 ml of oxygenated blood delivers following amount of 0 2 to the tissue under nolmal physiological condition

145 / 298

The palt of the nephron that helps in active reabolption of sodium is

146 / 298

Upon stimulating of skeletal muscles calcium is immediately made available for binding to troponin from

147 / 298

A dental disease characterized by mottling of teeth due to ingredient in drinking water, namely

148 / 298

Witch of the following hormones is not secreted by anterior pituitary 

149 / 298

ABA acts antagonistic to 

150 / 298

Coconut water contain 

151 / 298

When a plant undergoes senescence, the nutrients may be 

152 / 298

An acid soluble compound formed by phosphorylation of nucleoside is called 

153 / 298

In conifers, fibres are likely to be absent in 

154 / 298

How many shoot apical meristems are likely to be present in a twig of a plant possessing 4 branches and 26 leaves 

155 / 298

Many pulses of daily use belong to one of the familiesbelow 

156 / 298

Roots development from Parts of the plant other than radicle are called 

157 / 298

Witch of the following plants is used to extract the blue dye 

158 / 298

Which of the following organisms do not reproduce 

159 / 298

Which of the following use water from their environment as circulating fluid

160 / 298

Alertness pupillaly dilation and piloerection are due to the effect of 

161 / 298

A dental disease characterized by mottling of teeth due to ingredient in drinking water, namely 

162 / 298

The hydrolytic action of the following enzyme produces pentose sugar 

163 / 298

Which of the following carnival nerve of man is both sensory and motor 

164 / 298

Streaming of cytoplasm I cyclosis is seen in

165 / 298

Which of the following molecules is the most toxic to the cells 

166 / 298

Ammonia and urea are waste products derived from the metabolic breakdown of

167 / 298

A healthy person will not excrete in its urine 

168 / 298

Copy - ' Lubb ' sound produced during heart beat is caused by 

169 / 298

' Lubb ' sound produced during heart beat is caused by 

170 / 298

The respiratory centre, which regulates respiration,is located in 

171 / 298

Ptyalin is the another of 

172 / 298

Witch of the following is/are free living nitrogen fixers 

173 / 298

Witch rang of wavelength ( in nm ) is called photo synthetically active radiation ( PAR ) 

174 / 298

  Electrontransporty System ( ETS ) is located in mitochondrial 

175 / 298

Coconut water contain

176 / 298

A gland not associated with the alimentary canal is

177 / 298

Hepato pancreatic duct opens in to the duodenum and carries 

178 / 298

Which one of the following is also known as antidiuretic hormone 

179 / 298

Knee joint and elbow joints are examples of 

180 / 298

The organ of corti is a structure present in

181 / 298

Wax gland present in the ear canal is called 

182 / 298

An area in the brain witch is associated with strong emotions is

183 / 298

Witch of the following conditions is not linked to deficiency of thyroid hormone 

184 / 298

The steroid responsible for balance of water and electrolytes in our body is

185 / 298

witch of the following hormones is not secreted by anterior pituitary 

186 / 298

Phellogen and phellem respectively denote

187 / 298

Many pulses of daily use belong to one of the familiesbelow

188 / 298

An acid soluble compound formed by phosphorylation of nucleoside is called 

189 / 298

To which one of the following categories does adipose tissue belong 

190 / 298

In conifers are likely to be absent in 

191 / 298

Roots developed from Parts of the plant other radicle are called 

192 / 298

Witch of the following plants is used to extract the blue dye ?

193 / 298

  1. Which one of the following is not a poisonous snake?

194 / 298

ABA acts antagonistic to

195 / 298

which one of the following is oviparous?

196 / 298

which one of the following is oviparous?

197 / 298

Citrus canker is caused by 

198 / 298

In wheat and makoi maximum similarity occurs at the level of 

199 / 298

In a study, which cells are found in COVID-19 patients 'bode well' for long term immunity ::

200 / 298

Which ancestral man first started ceremonial burial :

201 / 298

In which type of natural selection more individuals acquire peripheral character value at both ends of the distribution curve:

202 / 298

Velocity of air between the collecting plates in the electrostatic precipitator must be :

203 / 298

Which association exemplifies commensalism (a) Orchid and Mango (b) Egret and Cattle (c) Clown fish and Adamsia (d) Barnacle and Balaenoptera

204 / 298

Use of microorganisms for the disposal of pollutants is termed as

205 / 298

Transgenic plants are produced by

206 / 298

Downstream processing of drug include

207 / 298

Which one is vectorless gene transfer method

208 / 298

What causes shivering in malaria :

209 / 298

Somatic hybridisation is accomplished by :

210 / 298

How many diseases are mendalian disorders Haemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Thalassemia, sickel - cell anaemia, Pernicious Anaemia, colour blindness, night blindness, glycosuria :

211 / 298

The secretory phase in the human menstrual cycle is also called:

212 / 298

Late detection and improper treatment of STIs leads to

213 / 298

Which of the following statements are correct with reference to papaya plants : a. Autogamy will not occur b. Geitonogamy will not occur c. Xenogamy occur d. Only staminate or pistillate flowers occur

214 / 298

It is possible to store pollen grains of a large number of species for many years. Which type of chemical is used at which temperature

215 / 298

For formation of male gametophyte and female gametophyte which kind of process is similar in angiosperm

216 / 298

Which of the following statements are incorrect according to isogametes of cladophora

217 / 298

For upgradation of quality of fuel and quality of vehicle engines which term are used :

218 / 298

The average temperature at surface of earth with out green house effect would have been :

219 / 298

Many species extinction in the last 500 years eg., passenger pigeon, steller's sea cow were due to which reason :

220 / 298

What is the correct equation of species area relationships C = Intercept S = species richness A = Area Z = regression coefficient

221 / 298

In an area, as the succession proceeds what changes occurs in that areas :

222 / 298

In ecosystem at which trophic level human are placed : a. may be second trophic level b. may be third trophic level c. may be first trophic level d. may be fourth trophic level

223 / 298

If in a pond there were 50 water Hyacinth plant last year and through reproduction 10 new plants are added, taking the current population to 60. What is the birth rate for this plant :

224 / 298

Which one of the following habitat in which life did not exist :

225 / 298

Which of the following are palindromic sequence:

226 / 298

What is the similarity between inbreeding and out crossing :

227 / 298

A student when hear that he is failed in exam. after hearing this news he mentally disturbed and goes into depression. His parents are goes with student to a doctor then doctor suggested which drug :

228 / 298

In antibody molecule the disulphide bond are present between : a. Two heavy chain b. Two light chain c. Heavy and light chain

229 / 298

Which of the following is the correct sequence of events in the origin of life : I. Formation of protobionts II. Synthesis of organic monomers III. Synthesis of organic polymers IV. Formation of DNA-based genetic system

230 / 298

During experiment upon drosophila morgan saw quickly that when the two genes in a dihybrid cross were situated on the same chromosomes, the proportion of parental gene combinations were much higher than the non parental type. What is the behaviour of genes behind this phenomena:

231 / 298

In a male person after vesectomy what is the condition in his body :

232 / 298

Which one of the following statements about morula in humans is correct :

233 / 298

A person in your home suddenly feel earthquakes then what is the immediate condition in the body: a. Glycogenolysis b. Glycogenesis c. Breakdown of lipids and proteins d. Decrease the strength of heart contraction

234 / 298

The hypersecretion of GH in child and adult causes disease respectively :

235 / 298

A man is eating the variety of food. During eating is the food they smell the food and after eating the food he realise that smell of food and taste of food are very good. Which sensory organ are work for this realisation respectively :

236 / 298

The cerebral cortex contains a large regions that are neither clearly sensory nor motor in function. These regions are called as :

237 / 298

Which of the following are correct representation of sarcomere :

238 / 298

The pectoral girdle consists of :

239 / 298

In human body other than kidney which organ or gland are also help in the elimination of excretory wastes : a. Lungs b. Liver c. Skin d. Cartilage e. Stomach

240 / 298

In laboratory two sample of Henley loop are placed X and Y. X are larger than Y. What is the conclusion are arised from these samples – a. X sample is of aquatic animal and Y is terrestrial animal b. X sample is of terrestrial animal and Y is aquatic animal c. Length of Henley loop is not related with habitat of animal d. Length of henley loop is directly propotional to amount of water occurs in that habitat at which animal live.

241 / 298

Blood pressure in the mammalian aorta is maximum during :

242 / 298

In our heart two problem are creates first in heart stop beating and second is heart muscle issuddenly damaged. This problem of heart are respectively :

243 / 298

Another centre present in the which region of the brain can moderate the function of the respiratory rhythm centre. What is the centre and region of the brain respectively :

244 / 298

In breathing inspiration and expiration initiated by which respectively :

245 / 298

Which one of the following statements are correct:

246 / 298

Marasmus disorder is produced by the simultaneous deficiency of :

247 / 298

Which one of the following mathematical relation are true :

248 / 298

Which one of the following statement are correct about respiratory quotient (RQ) : a. RQ may be 1 b. RQ may be more than 1 c. RQ may be less than 1 d. RQ may be infinity

249 / 298

In a cell in aerobic respiration what is the correct sequence of different process :

250 / 298

Which of the following feature are similar between non cyclic and cyclic photophosphorylation : a. Number of ATP production b. ATP production c. ATP, NADPH+H+ production d. Number of NADPH+H+ production

251 / 298

In C4 plant the light reaction are takes place in :

252 / 298

How many matching are correct according to activator of enzyme : a. PEPCO – Mg+2 b. RUBISCO – Mn+2 c. Alcohol dehydrogenase – Zn+2 d. Peroxidase, Nitrogenase – K+ e. Nitrogenase – Mg+2

253 / 298

A column of water within xylem vessels of tall trees does not break under its weight because of :

254 / 298

Which one of the following feature are similar among Antiport, Symport, Imbitition, Diffusion, Osmosis. a. All are passive process b. All are uphill process c. All are required special membrane protein

255 / 298

Read the given example properly - Morphine, Abrin, Ricin, Gums, Vinblastin, Anthocyanins Protein, Nucleic acid. How many statements are correct : a. All are belong from same category of chemical. b. All have identifiable function. c. All have not identifiable function at the moment. d. All are metabolites

256 / 298

What is the R group in the serine and alanineamino acid respectively :

257 / 298

Dense connective tissue are divided into dense regular and dense irregular tissue on the basis of which feature :

258 / 298

Which one of the following feature are not similar between maize and mango : a. Secondary growth b. Number of xylem c. Palisade parenchyma d. Root hair

259 / 298

Underground stem store food and can acts as :

260 / 298

Which one of the following feature are applicable upon Earthworm, Roundworm, Hookworm, Filariaworm : a. All are dioecious b. All are monoecious c. Bilateral symmetry d. Segmented body

261 / 298

In the given below example. How many plants are cryptogams and phanerogams respectively : Spirogyra, Sargassum, Fern, Funaria, Cycas, Pinus, Volvox, Adiantum, Salvinia, Equisetum, Ginkgo, Psilotum

262 / 298

Arrange the following in ascending order of similar characteristic. I. Family II. Genus Ill. Class IV. Species V. Order

263 / 298

Which of the following is not considered as a comb jellies :

264 / 298

In MOET cow is adminstered hormone with :

265 / 298

Tomato, brinjal and potato belongs to the family :

266 / 298

Rosette of leaves and a tuft of roots is found in which plant :

267 / 298

Which is correct statement :

268 / 298

Characteristic features of gymnosperms is/are: (a) Mycorrhiza found in Pinus (b) Dioecious plant is Pinus (c) Xerophytic characters found in the leaves (d) Haploid endosperm.

269 / 298

How many matching are incorrect according to different organisms and their family : a. Man – Homo b. Housefly – Musca c. Housefly – Muscidae d. Mango – Anacardiaceae e. Wheat – Poaceae

270 / 298

Which of the following statement is true a. Diatoms are chrysophytes b. Diatoms are stagnant plants of water c. Diatoms are cheif producers of ocean d. In most of diatoms cell wall form two thin overlapping shells which fit together as in a soap box

271 / 298

Apocarpous condition is found in

272 / 298

A scar in seed through which seeds are attached to the fruit is known as

273 / 298

Among China rose, Mustard, Brinjal, Potato, Guava, Cucumber and tulip how many plants have superior ovary :

274 / 298

Which is incorrect :

275 / 298

Which is the incorrect statement regarding classification system

276 / 298

How many statements are correct with reference to Euglena : i. Euglena is a flagellate organism ii. Euglena when placed in continuous darkness, loses its photosynthetic activity and dies iii. The pigments of euglena are quite different from those of green plants (Higher plants)

277 / 298

Difference between Virus and Viroid is

278 / 298

When dikaryon is formed :

279 / 298

Cyclosporine A is produced by the

280 / 298

The interaction between plants and anijmals can be

281 / 298

What amount of energy in the form of sunlight should be available to producer so that the secondary carnivore in the following food chain can get 100 j energy in the form of food from its prey? Grass → Grasshopper → Frog → Snake → Eagle

282 / 298

If a host fish becomes extinct, all the parasites exclusively found on it will become extinct. This biodiversity loss is said to be due to

283 / 298

Which one is not a reason of deforestation?

284 / 298

In knee jerk reflex, the efferent neurons terminate at

285 / 298

All of the following considered as secondary consumer in the ecosystem, except

286 / 298

Identify the following statements as true (T) and false (F) and choose the option accordingly. A. Population is assemblage of groups of different species in an area. B. In an ecosystem, there is the exchange of energy and recycling of nutrients among the biological communities and physical environment. C. Organisms, populations, communities and biomes are the four basic levels of biological

287 / 298

The pollutant that has maximum contribution to total global warming is

288 / 298

Which one of the following is a perennial monocarpic plant?

289 / 298

Fusing gametes are morphologically distinct type in

290 / 298

Select the incorrect match form the following.

291 / 298

In angiosperms, triple fusion involves the union of

292 / 298

ABO blood grouping in human beings is an example of a) Incomplete dominance b) Co-dominance c) Complete dominance d) Pleotropy e) Multiple allelism The correct one (s) is/are

293 / 298

In human., which genotype of sperm when fuses with normal egg results in Klinefelter’s syndrome?

294 / 298

For which of the following codons, there would be no tRAN?

295 / 298

Arrange the following steps involved in DNA fingerprinting technique in correct order and choose the option accordingly.a) Transferring of DNA fragments to synthetic membrane. b) Digestion of DNA by restriction endonucleases. c) Hybridisation using labelled VNTR probe. d) Separation DNA fragments by electrophoresis.

296 / 298

Match the following columns and select the correct option w.r.t. lac operon.Column I Column II A. Z gene i. Codes for repressor protein B. Operator ii. Codes for 𝛃 galactosidase C. Regulator gene iii. Site for RNA polymerase attachment D. Promotor iv. Interacts with repressor protein

297 / 298

In the root nodules of leguminous plants, nitrogenase is protected from molecular oxygen due to presence of

298 / 298

Which of the following statements is not true regarding photosystem I involved in the light reaction in plants?

September 2023


Biology quiz 3 sep 2023


1 / 10

An acid soluble compound formed by phosphorylation of nucleoside is called 

2 / 10

To which one of the following categories does adipose tissue belong 

3 / 10

In conifers are likely to be absent in 

4 / 10

Roots developed from Parts of the plant other radicle are called 

5 / 10

Witch of the following plants is used to extract the blue dye ?

6 / 10

  1. Which one of the following is not a poisonous snake?

7 / 10

ABA acts antagonistic to

8 / 10

which one of the following is oviparous?

9 / 10

which one of the following is oviparous?

10 / 10

In wheat and makoi maximum similarity occurs at the level of 


Biology Quiz 4 Sep 2023

1 / 5

Which one of the following is also known as antidiuretic hormone 

2 / 5

Knee joint and elbow joints are examples of 

3 / 5

The organ of corti is a structure present in

4 / 5

Wax gland present in the ear canal is called 

5 / 5

An area in the brain witch is associated with strong emotions is


Biology Quiz 5 Sep 2023

1 / 10

Metamerism is the characteristic of 

2 / 10

An undifferentiated layer present between ectoderm and endoderm is called 

3 / 10

In algae we find 

4 / 10

The flagellate I motile spore is called 

5 / 10

Asexual reproduction occurs by production of different types of spores in algae 

6 / 10

Most of the bacteria are

7 / 10

Which of the following organisms show the most extensive metabolic diversity 

8 / 10

Organisms that can respond to stimuli are 

9 / 10

Metabolic reactions take place 

10 / 10

Which of the following organisms do not reproduce 


Biology Quiz 6 Sep 2023

1 / 9

The outer layer of vacuole is called 

2 / 9

The cell organelle involved in glycosylation of protein is

3 / 9

Which of the following animal is cold blooded and has 4 chambered heart 

4 / 9

Which of the following statements is correct about squamous epithelium 

5 / 9

Which one is correct about intercalary meristems 

6 / 9

A branch or a flower is developed in the axial of leaves by 

7 / 9

Root is distinguishable from stem in

8 / 9

Adventitious roots are adventitious in their 

9 / 9

Root formed from prolongation of rad icle is 


Biology Quiz 7 Sep 2023

1 / 10

In wheat and makoi maximum similarity occurs at the level of 

2 / 10

Which of the following suffixes used for of classification in plants indicates a taxonomic category of family 

3 / 10

The movement of mineral ions into plant root cells as a result of diffusion is called 

4 / 10

Transport of organic and inorganic materials is 

5 / 10

Which of the following components of our food are taken in quantities 

6 / 10

RAAS secrets which of the following hormone

7 / 10

A healthy person will not excrete in its urine 

8 / 10

During cell division, the spindle fibres attach to the chromosome at a region called 

9 / 10

The mitotic spindle is composed of

10 / 10

Glycogen is a polymer of 


Biology Quiz 8 Sep 2023

1 / 10

The end product of oxidative phosphorylation is 

2 / 10

plasticity in plant growth means that 

3 / 10

Mark the right statement amount the following 

4 / 10

The movement of ions into plant root cells as a result of diffusion is called 

5 / 10

The effect of mineral deficiencies involving fairly mobile nutrients will be observed in 

6 / 10

Moll's half leaf experiment proves that

7 / 10

photosynthesis is 

8 / 10

Which of the following is a free living aerobic no photosynthetic nitrogen fixer 

9 / 10

More than elements of the discovered so far are found in different plants 

10 / 10

In soil, the water available for root absorption is


Biology Quiz 9 Sep 2023

1 / 9

Copy - Transpot of organic and inorganic materials is 

2 / 9

The ventilation movement of the lungs in mammals is governed by 

3 / 9

The respiratory centre, which regulates respiration, is located in 

4 / 9

Alertness, pupillaly dilation and piloerection are due to the effect of 

5 / 9

Essential elements are

6 / 9

More than elements of the discovered so far are found in different plants 

7 / 9

The effect of mineral deficiencies involving fairly mobile nutrients will be observed in 

8 / 9

During cell division, the spindle fibres attach to the chromosome at a region called 

9 / 9

The cell organelle involved in glycosylation of protein is 


Biology Quiz 10 Sep 2023

1 / 11

All living organisms are linked to one another because 

2 / 11

A gland not associated with the alimentary canal is 

3 / 11

A person suffers punctures in his chest cavity in an accident, with out any damage to the lungs, it's effect could be 

4 / 11

Which one of the following is also known as antidiuretic hormone 

5 / 11

The organ of corti is a structure present in 

6 / 11

The steroid responsible for balance of water and electrolytes in our body is 

7 / 11

Which of the following group of algae produces align

8 / 11

Life cycles of Ectocarpus and Focus respectively,are

9 / 11

A plant shows thallus lever of organisation. It shows rhizoid and is haploid.It needs water to complete its life cycle because the male gametes are motile.It may belong to 

10 / 11

Citrus canker is caused by 

11 / 11

Which of the following statements are true regarding human digestive system

(1) Food is not digested in the oesophagus

(2) there is no digestive juice in the mouth

(3) The large intestine is shorter than the small intestine

(4 ) Inside the large intestine, most of the water from the undigested food is absorbed by the body 


Biology Quiz 11 Sep 2023

1 / 10

Statement 1: Protein crystal of bacillus thuringiensis contain toxic insecticidal protein

2 / 10

citrus canker is caused by 

3 / 10

A gland not associated with the alimentary canal is 

4 / 10

The organ of corti is a structure present in 

5 / 10

Statement 1: Artificial insemination is very economical method

Statement 2: Fewer sperms are required in artificial insemination 

6 / 10

Statement 1:Hisardale is cross breed of sheep

Hisardale is developed by crossing bikaneri ewe and merino ram

7 / 10

Statement 1 : AIDS occurs by retroviruses whose RNA is enveloped

Statement 2: It enters into the cell and forms new viruses

8 / 10

Statement =I:  papaver somniferum is cultivated to obtain drugs

Statement = II: Morphine is obtained from its latex

9 / 10

Which of the following suffixes used for units of classification in plants indicates a taxonomic category of family 

10 / 10

ptyalin is the another name of 


Biology Quiz 12 Sep 2023

1 / 10

Statement 1: Most algal genera are haplontic

Statement 2: The dominant phase in all Bryophytes is gametophyte

2 / 10

Statement 1: The pteridophytes are found in cool,damp, shady place

Statement 2: In pteridophytes, the main plant body is a sporophyte 

3 / 10

Statement 1: Almost all bacteria possess lipoproteinaceous plasma membrane

Statement 2: The plasma membrane of archaebacteria as well as eubacteria have same type of lipids 

4 / 10

Statement 1: Zoospores are motile and aplanospores are non motile in nature

Statement 2: These spores are endogenously produced in sporangia

5 / 10

Statement 1: A mature sieve element does not have cytoplasm

Statement 2: The nucleus and vacuole are absent in mature sieve element 

6 / 10

Statement 1: Cockroach are dioecious

Statement 2:Anal cerci occur in both male and female 

7 / 10

Statement 1: crop is used for storing of food in cockroach

Statement 2: Hepatic caecea of cockroach product digestive enzyme 

8 / 10

Statement 1: A single outcross often helps to overcome inbreeding depression

Statement 2: Out crossing is best breeding method for increasing milk productivity 

9 / 10

Statement 1: Ecosystem is a functional unit nature

Statement 2: It is a biological community and components of the physical environment 

10 / 10

Statement 1: GMO reduces the nutritional value of food

Statement 2: GMO increases the post harvesting losses


Biology Quiz 13 Sep 2023

1 / 5

Statement 1: Monocistronic genes are found in prokaryotes

Statement 2: polycistronic genes are found in eukaryotes 

2 / 5

Statement 1: Mendelian disorders may be dominant or recessive

Statement 2: By pedigree analysis it can be easily inter pretend whether the trait is dominant or recessive 

3 / 5

Statement 1: The individuals affected by klinefelter's or Turner's syndrome are fertile

Statement 2: Klinefelter's and Turner's syndrome are due to aneuploidy

4 / 5

Statement 1: Mode of action of pills and implant/ injectable is similar

Statement 2: The effective period of pills is much longer as compared to implants/ injectable 

5 / 5

Statement 1: The presence of X or Y chromosome in the sperm determines the sex of the embryo

Statement 2: All the eggs have one X chromosome 


Biology Quiz 14 Sep 2023

1 / 10

Metamerism is the characteristic of 

2 / 10

In algae we find 

3 / 10

Organisms that can respond to stimuli are 

4 / 10

Metabolic reactions take place 

5 / 10

Statement 1: All the events of sexual reproduction prior to the fusion of gametes are included in the post fertilisation events

Statement 2: pre fertilisation events includes gametogenesis and embryogenesis 

6 / 10

Statement 1: Croup is used for storing of food in cockroach

Statement 2: Hepatic caecea of cockroach product digestive enzyme 

7 / 10

 Statement 1: papaver somniferum is cultivated to obtain drugs

Statement 2: Morphine is obtained from its latex 

8 / 10

Which of the following organisms do not reproduce 

9 / 10

Statement 1: E. Coli divides in 20 minutes

Statement 2: In E. coli , the process of replication pletes within 18 minutes. Com- 

10 / 10

Statement 1: The first mammals were like coelacanth

Statement 2: When reptiles came down mammals took over this earth 


Biology Quiz 15 Sep 2023

1 / 10

liver is the largstgland and is associated with various functions, choose one which is not correct 

2 / 10

We can produce concentrated / dilute urine. This is facilitated by aspecial mechanism. Identify the mechanism 

3 / 10

Which one of the following is not a characteristic of phylum annelida 

4 / 10

Intercalated discs are the communication junctions between the cells of 

5 / 10

Bacteria is a group of prokaryotic organisms which is characterized by 

6 / 10

The steroid responsible for balance of water and electrolytes in our body is 

7 / 10

Assertion: PTH is a hypercalcemic hormone

Reason : PTH stimulating the process of bone resolution 

8 / 10

Which of the following conditions is not linked to deficiency of thyroid hormone 

9 / 10

Adventitious roots are adventitious in their 

10 / 10

Most of the bacteria are 


Biology Quiz 16 Sep 2023

1 / 10

Statement 1: Pills are less effective the with more side effects and are less accepted by females

Statement 2: Implants are generally advised for the male/ female partner as a terminal method to prevent any more pregnancies

2 / 10

Statement 1: Sperms released from seminiferous tubules are transported by the accessory ducts

Statement 2: Secretions of epididymis,vas deferens, seminal vesicle and prostate are essential for maturation and motility of sperms

3 / 10

Statement 1: Syngamy results in the formation of endosperm

Statement 2: Triple fusion results in the formation of embryo 

4 / 10

Statement 1: Flowering plants have developed many our breeding devices to discourage self pollination and to encourage cross pollination 

Statement 2: Continued self pollination result in inbreeding depression 


5 / 10

Statement 1: Both wind and water pollinated flowers are not very colourful and do not produce nectar

Statement 2: There is a need to attract the pollinating agent in wind and water pollinating flowers 

6 / 10

Life cycles of Ectocarpus and Focus respectively, are

7 / 10

Citrus canker is caused by

8 / 10

Taxonomic key is one of the following taxonomic tools in the identification and classification of plant and is used in the preparation of

9 / 10

Assertion : Interphase occupies 75-95% of the total generation time

Reason : Interphase ( I - phase ) is the long non dividing phase 

10 / 10

Hepato pancreatic duct opens in to the duodenum and carries 


Biology Quiz 17 Sep 2023

1 / 10

Which of the following is present in gymnosperm analogus to egg apparatus in angiosperm

2 / 10

A healthy person will not excrete in its urine 

3 / 10

'Lubb' sound produced during heart beat is caused by 

4 / 10

Statement 1: The first mammals were like coelacanth

Statement 2: When reptiles came down mammals took over this earth 

5 / 10

Statement 1: Monocistronic genes are found in prokaryotes

Statement 2: Polycistronic genes are found in eukaryotes 

6 / 10

Statement 1: In transcription, only a segment of DNA and it's both the strands are copied into RNA

Statement 2: The process of replication, once set in,du plicates the total DNA of an organism

7 / 10

Statement 1: origin of replication is a definite region in E . coli DNA,where the replication originates 

Statement 2: The vectors in r DNA procedures provide the origin of replication 

8 / 10

Statement 1: Deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates serve dual purpose in replication process 

Statement 2: Deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates act as substrates and also provides energy for polymerization 

9 / 10

Mendelian disorders may be dominant or recessive

Statement 2: By pedigree analysis it can be easily inter pretend whether the trait is dominant or recessive 

10 / 10

Statement 1: The individuals affected by klinefelter's or Turner's syndrome are fertile

Statement 2: Klinefelter's and Turner's syndrome are due to aneuploidy 


Biology Quiz 18 Sep 2023

1 / 9

Which of the following is haplodiplontic tracheophyte

2 / 9

Which of the following is absent in gymnosperm 

3 / 9

Zoospore present in the except

4 / 9

Which of the following is diploid 

5 / 9

Which of the following is present in selaginella

6 / 9

Which of the following is oogamous

7 / 9

Which of the following is unisexual plant 

8 / 9

Chl b, haplontic,fucoxanthin, zoospore,chl a,algin how many can be present in fucus

9 / 9

Which is not common in heterosporous pteridophytes and gymnosperm 


Biology Quiz 19 Sep 2023

1 / 2

Which is true about sporophyte of liverwort

2 / 2

Consider the following statements 

(A) both sporophyte and gametophyte is photos in algae

(B) Algae have single cell sporophyte.

How many are correct 


Biology Quiz 20 Sep 2023

1 / 10

Major pigment found in fucus is/ are

2 / 10

Phaeophyceae is commonly as

3 / 10

Flagellation in green algae is

4 / 10

Chara is

5 / 10

Reproduction in green algae is are

6 / 10

Major pigment of  chlamydomonas

7 / 10

Chlorphyceae are commonly called as

8 / 10

Algae are useful to main in

9 / 10

Eudorina show 

10 / 10

Zoospore is 


Biology Quiz 21 Sep 2023

1 / 10

Which of the following is obtained from sphagnum as coal

2 / 10

For trans shipment of living material which of following is more suitable to use

3 / 10

First organisms to colonize rock are

4 / 10

The body organization of bryophytes have

5 / 10

Bryophytes are

6 / 10

Bryophyta include

7 / 10

Porphyra show

8 / 10

Rhodophyceae is called red algae because of

9 / 10

Gametes of sargassum are

10 / 10

The color of brown algae depend upon


Biology Quiz 22 Sep 2023

1 / 10

Pteridophyte classification into

2 / 10

Seed habit reported for  first time is

3 / 10

Pteridophytes with all similar king of spores is in

4 / 10

Heterosporous pteridophytes is/are

5 / 10

Sex organ near on

6 / 10

Water needed for fertilisation in

7 / 10

First terrestrial vascular plant is

8 / 10

Pteridophytes includes

9 / 10

The predominant stage of life cycles of a moss is

10 / 10

Asexual reproduction in bryophytes is not Take place by 


Biology Quiz 23 Sep 2023

1 / 10

Vascular archegoniates with diplonatic life cycles are

2 / 10

All the given structure of pinus and cycas are haploid, except

3 / 10

The endosperm of gymnosperm represent

4 / 10

Gametophytes is parasitic over sporophytes is

5 / 10

Anthoceros thallus and coralloid root of cycas are

6 / 10

Needle like leaves,thick cuticle,sucken stomata are character

7 / 10

The stem of

8 / 10

Fungi show symbiotic association with gymnosperm in form of

9 / 10

Tallest tree species belongs to

10 / 10

Adiantum is member with


Biology Quiz 24 Sep 2023

1 / 10

Which of the following is haplo diplomatic

2 / 10

Which of following structure degenerate after fertilisation

3 / 10

PEN provide

4 / 10

Fusion of 2nd male gamete with diploid secondary nucleus results in formation of

5 / 10

Syngamy is

6 / 10

Pollen tube in angiosperm discharge

7 / 10

Microspore of angiosperm represent

8 / 10

A group of plant flower with having three members in each whorl is placed is

9 / 10

Dicotyledons and monocotyledons are two ______ of angiosperm

10 / 10

Tallest and smallest plan special belonging to angiosperm is


Biology Quiz 25 Sep 2023

1 / 10

Diplonatic plant having sporophyte and gametophyte is free living

2 / 10

Which is innocent about gametophyte in pteris

3 / 10

Which of the following pair of structure is haploid

4 / 10

Few features are given haplodiplontic, oogamous, diplonatic, motile male gamete, dependent gametophyte and sporangia how many present in peat moss

5 / 10

Which of the following is heterosporous diplonatic plant

6 / 10

Which of the following is not true about male cone

7 / 10

Sporangia present in all except

8 / 10

Independent or free living sporophyte is present in

9 / 10

Which of the following have both chla and chlb

10 / 10

Which of the following not have motile sexual stage means male gamete


Biology Quiz 26 Sep 2023

1 / 10

Which is uncommon between bryophytes and pteridophytes

2 / 10

Which is not feature of gymnosperm

3 / 10

Mark the correctly matched

4 / 10

Mark the correctly matched

5 / 10

Which of the following is homosporus

6 / 10

Which is common in chlamydomonas and funaria

7 / 10

Which is incorrect about liverwort

8 / 10

Non dependent or free living sporophyte present in

9 / 10

Which of the following have pyrenoid

10 / 10

Which of the following is true about gymnosperm


Biology Quiz 27 Sep 2023

1 / 10

Five kingdom classification was proposed in

2 / 10

R.H Whittaker classification is / are based upon

3 / 10

Chemosynthetic mode of nutrition is found is

4 / 10

Moneran cell wall is composed by

5 / 10

Pigment chl b present

6 / 10

Few examples are given sphagnum, marchantia, selaginella, salvinia polytrichum, cycas and cedrus

7 / 10

Which of the following not show multicellular sporophyte

8 / 10

Which is correct about prothallus of lycopodium

9 / 10

Which is not correct about heterosporous pteridophytes

10 / 10

Citrus canker is caused by 


Biology Quiz 28 Sep 2023

1 / 10

On the basis of shape; bacteria are grouped under _______categories

2 / 10

In five kingdom classification multicellularity began from

3 / 10

How many of the following does belong to protista Amoeba, Spirogyra, chlamydomonas, chlorella,paramecium 

4 / 10

Unicellular eukaryotic are categorised in

5 / 10

How many kingdom from R.H. Whittaker system does have exclusive autotrophic mode of nutrition

6 / 10

Fungi has cell wall composed of

7 / 10

How many of following are prokaryotes:

Bacteria, mosses, ferns, fungi, pteridophyta,blu green algae, gymnosperms angiosperm

8 / 10

Earlier classification system included bacteria,BGA fungi, mosses, ferns under plants on basis of

9 / 10

How many kingdom according to five kingdom classification and Linnaeus system of classification is /are dedicated for prokaryotes exclusively

10 / 10

Linnaeus system of classification did not deal with


Biology Quiz 29 Sep 2023

1 / 10

Chryosophytes in include

2 / 10

Which of the following are placed under protista

3 / 10

Nutritionally,protists are

4 / 10

Member of protista are primarily

5 / 10

Which of the following kingdom has no well defined boundaries

6 / 10

Protista includes

7 / 10

Citrus canker is

8 / 10

Survival of archaebacteria in extreme condition is achieved by

9 / 10

Archaebacteria differ from other bacteria in having

10 / 10

Synthesis of own food from inorganic substrate is occur in


Biology Quiz 30 Sep 2023

1 / 10

Red tide is caused by

2 / 10

Red tides in warm coastal water develop due to super abundance of

3 / 10

Dinoflagellates are mostly

4 / 10

Chief producers in ocean are

5 / 10

Chryosophytes are

6 / 10

Diatomaceous earth is used for all except

7 / 10

Silica gel diatomite diatomaceous earth is obtained by

8 / 10

Protista form a link with

9 / 10

Locomotory structures in protists are

10 / 10

Nearly all protists are

October 2023


Biology Quiz 1 Oct 2023

1 / 10

The cells of the body of a multicellular fungus are organised into rapidly growing individual filaments called

2 / 10

The body of multicellular fungus is called a

3 / 10

Cell walls of all fungi consist of the polysaccharides

4 / 10

Which of the following is considered to be primitive relatives of animals

5 / 10

All protozoans are

6 / 10

Protozoans are not included in kingdom animalia because

7 / 10

The slimy mass of protoplasm with nuclei forms the body of slime moulds is called

8 / 10

Slime moulds

9 / 10

Which of the following release toxins that may even kill others marine animals like fishes

10 / 10

In which of the following the cell wall has stiff cellulose plate on the outer surface


Biology Quiz 2 Oct 2023

1 / 10

Many fungi are _____ associating with photosynthetic organisms to form mycorrhizae or lichens

2 / 10

Coenocytic hypha is

3 / 10

Which one is unicellular fungus

4 / 10

All of the following are fungi except

5 / 10

Mode of nutrition in fungi is not

6 / 10

Which of the following always produce an infectious spore like stage in the life cycles

7 / 10

Plasmodium is

8 / 10

Which one is correct about trypanosoma

9 / 10

Flagellated protozoans are

10 / 10

How many major groups protozoans have


Biology Quiz 3 Oct 2023

1 / 10

Dikaryophases I dikaryon formation is a specific characteristics of

2 / 10

Fungi are classified on the basis of

3 / 10

Sexual reproduction in fungi is by all of the following except

4 / 10

Fungi show asexual reproduction by all of the following spores except

5 / 10

Reproduction in fungi can take place by all of the following vegetative methods except

6 / 10

Fungi show a great diversity in

7 / 10

Fungi occur

8 / 10

Fungi prefer to grow in

9 / 10

Fungi can be parasites on

10 / 10

Which of the following is odd


Biology Quiz 4 Oct 2023

1 / 10

Where does meiosis occurs in mushroom

2 / 10

Which of the following are common parasites basidiomycetes

3 / 10

Which of the following ascomycetes is the source of antibiotics

4 / 10

Which of the following is used exclusively in biochemical and genetical work

5 / 10

Which of the following are edible ascomycetes delicacies

6 / 10

Which of the following is parasite on mustard

7 / 10

All the following belong to phycomycetes except

8 / 10

Which of the following spores are produced endogenously

9 / 10

In phycomycetes asexual reproduction occurs by

10 / 10

Coenocytic, multinucleate and branched mycelial habit is found in


Biology Quiz 5 Oct 2023

1 / 10

Reproduction organ of flowers doesn't comprises

2 / 10

Floriculture deals with

3 / 10

The end product of sexual reproduction is

4 / 10

The composition of fungal cell wall is

5 / 10

In which Kingdom, chemosynthetic organisms are seen out of five kingdom proposed by Whittaker

6 / 10

In R.H Whittaker system , viroids, prions,& linchens are grouped into

7 / 10

Plantae does not includes how many of following

Algae, fungi, bryophytes,bladderwort, pteridophyta, gymnosperm, angiosperm

8 / 10

If sexual stage is discovered in a member of deuteromycetes,it is moved to

9 / 10

Sexual reproduction in found in all except

10 / 10

Karyogamy is


Biology Quiz 6 Oct 2023

1 / 10

Female gametophye of angiosperm represented by

2 / 10

Sporopollenin is degrades by

3 / 10

Pollen grain are well preserved as fossil because of

4 / 10

Sporopollenin is absent in

5 / 10

Pollen grain represent

6 / 10

Which of the following undergo mitotic division to form microspore tetrad

7 / 10

______is responsible for nourishment of pollen grain

8 / 10

The dithecous consist of ______ microsporangia located at the corner,______ in each lobe.

9 / 10

Often theca is separated by

10 / 10

Which of the following modes of reproduction can be found in at least some protists


Biology Quiz 7 Oct 2023

1 / 10

Ovules generally differentiate a single megaspore mother cell in

2 / 10

An ovile generally has _______ embryo sac formed from a megaspore through _____ division

3 / 10

Chalaza end represent

4 / 10

Hilum represent the junction between

5 / 10

Ovule is attached to placenta by

6 / 10

Which of following serves as a larding platform for pollen grain

7 / 10

Papaver show

  1. Multicarpellary
  2. Apocarpous
  3. Syncarpous
  4. Monocarpellary

8 / 10

Which temperature is correct to store semen for artificial insemination

9 / 10

Pollen grain of rice is viable upto

10 / 10

Inner wall of pollen grain is


Biology Quiz 8 Oct 2023

1 / 10

The pollen grains in wind pollinated plants should be

2 / 10

Which is more common abiotic agent for pollination

3 / 10

Generally differentiate type of pollen is brought to stigma by

4 / 10

Oxalis produce

5 / 10

Flowers that do not open ar all are called

6 / 10

Complete autogamy is rare in

7 / 10

Transfer of pollen from another to stigma of same flower is called

8 / 10

Typical embryosac of angiosperm at maturity

9 / 10

Central cell of typical embryosac is situated

10 / 10

How many of eight nuclei of typical embryosac is surrounded by cell wall


Biology Quiz 9 Oct 2023

1 / 10

Megasporangium is equivalent to

2 / 10

An organic substances that can withstand environmental extreme and cannot be degraded by any enzyme is

3 / 10

Floral rewards in amorphophallus is

4 / 10

Floral rewards are

5 / 10

How many of the following may act as pollinators

6 / 10

Dominant biotic pollinating agents are

7 / 10

Majority of angiosperm use _____ for pollination

8 / 10

Pollination in water Lily occurs by

9 / 10

Aquatic plants pollinated by water are given, except

10 / 10

The tassels in corn cob are


Biology Quiz 10 Oct 2023

1 / 10

Monoceious plants assures

2 / 10

Advantage of cleistogamy is

3 / 10

Even in absence of pollinating agents seedsetting is assured in

4 / 10

What would be the member of chromosomes of the aleurone cells of a plant with 42 chromosome in its root tip cells

5 / 10

In which one of the following pollination is autogamous

6 / 10

Nucellar polyembryony is reported in species of

7 / 10

Filiform apparatus is a characteristic feature of

8 / 10

In angiosperm, functional megaspore develops into

9 / 10

Self pollination can be prevented by separation of anther and stima in

10 / 10

Outbreeding devices are used to prevent


Biology Quiz 11 Oct 2023

1 / 10

Statement 1: Restriction enzymes cut the strands of DNA,a little away from the centre of the palindromic sites

Statement 2: Restrictions enzymes cut the strands of DNA between the same two bases on the opposite strand 

2 / 10

Identify the filiform apparatus in given figure

3 / 10

Emasculation is done in

4 / 10

Filiform apparatus is present at

5 / 10

Dioecious plants assures

6 / 10

Production of unisexual flowers on a plant assures prevention of

7 / 10

Self incompatibility is not

8 / 10

Coconut water from a tender coconut is

9 / 10

Which one of the following may require pollinators,but is genetically similar to autogamy

10 / 10

Meiosis takes place in


Biology Quiz 12 Oct 2023

1 / 10

The corn cob having the tassels which are nothing but

2 / 10

Wind pollination flowers have all feature except

3 / 10

For pollens to be easily dispersed into wind currents ______ feature present in wind pollinated flower

4 / 10

Which of the following types of pollination mainly occur in monocots

5 / 10

Statement 1: Transgenic animals has been used for chemical or toxicity safety testing

Statement 2: the procedure of chemical safety testing is different from that used for testing toxicity of drugs

6 / 10

Statement 1: PCR is a powerful technique to identify many genetic disorders

Statement 2: ELISA is a based on the principal of antigen antibody interaction

7 / 10

Statement 1: A small scale production of product involves the use of bioreactors

Statement 2: Drugs has to undergo through clinical trials before marketing

8 / 10

Statement 1: Nucleic acid is the genetic material of all organisms without exception

Statement 2: During isolation of genetic material,ribonucleases and proteases are not required 

9 / 10

Central cell after double fertilisation becomes

10 / 10

Pollen tube release male gametes into


Biology Quiz 13 Oct 2023

1 / 10

Increase in body mass can be considered as growth but not in non living as they show

2 / 10

Flower with foul odour is pollinated by

3 / 10

Which of the following is major biotic agent for pollination

4 / 10

In water Lily pollination occur by

5 / 10

Attractants or rewards are required for

6 / 10

Mucilagenous covering present in

7 / 10

Water required for pollination in

8 / 10

Water is a regular mode of transport for the male gametes among the

9 / 10

Pollination by water is quite rare in flowering plants and is limited to about............. mostly monocotyledons

10 / 10

Wind pollination occur in flower with pollen


Biology Quiz 14 Oct 2023

1 / 10

Increase in body mass can be considered as growth but not in non living as they show

2 / 10

Flower with foul odour is pollinated by

3 / 10

Which of the following is major biotic agent for pollination

4 / 10

In water Lily pollination occur by

5 / 10

Attractants or rewards are required for

6 / 10

Mucilagenous covering present in

7 / 10

Water required for pollination in

8 / 10

Water is a regular mode of transport for the male gametes among the

9 / 10

Pollination by water is quite rare in flowering plants and is limited to about............. mostly monocotyledons

10 / 10

Wind pollination occur in flower with pollen


Biology Quiz 15 Oct 2023


1 / 10

Molecular constituents of organelles of cell have feature similar to

2 / 10

Which one of the following is not a poisonous snake

3 / 10

Which one of the following is oviparous

4 / 10

Citrus canker is caused by

5 / 10

In wheat and makoi maximum similarity occurs at the level of

6 / 10

Which of the following suffixes used for units of classification in plants indicates a taxonomic category of family

7 / 10

Coleoptile is

8 / 10

Coleorhiza is

9 / 10

In grass family, the scutellum is

10 / 10

How many of the given parts are present in monocots embryo

Cotyledons, scutellum, coleoptile, radicle, Root cap


Quiz 16 Oct 2023

1 / 10

Bacteria occur

2 / 10

Which one is the most abundant

3 / 10

Generally growth and reproduction are

4 / 10

Cell division occurs in plants and..... in animals

5 / 10

Total number of know species present on earth is

6 / 10

Growth and reproduction are mutually exclusive event in

7 / 10

Which of the following is a defining characteristics of living organisms

8 / 10

Statement 1: Bt protein exists are active toxin in the bacillus

Statement 2: the activated toxin enters the ovaries of the pest to sterilise it and thus prevent its multiplication

9 / 10

A gland not associated with the alimentary canal is

10 / 10

Which of the following plants is used to extract the blue dye


Biology Quiz 17 Oct 2023

1 / 10

Taxonomic studies are useful in

2 / 10

Which one produced primary tissue

3 / 10

Which one of the following is a true fruit

4 / 10

Primary roots and it's branches constitute

5 / 10

Roots developing from plant parts other than radicle are

6 / 10

Classification of porifera is based on

7 / 10

Floridean starch is found in

8 / 10

Algae area

9 / 10

Algae are mostly

10 / 10

Based upon the shape bacteria are grouped under how many categories


Biology Quiz 18 Oct 2023

1 / 10

Which one of the following is not a category

2 / 10

Living organsim have features like

3 / 10

Growth and reproduction are mutually exclusive event in

4 / 10

The fundamental taxonomic category of basic unit of classification is

5 / 10

In the hierarchical class ification , the number of obligate categories is

6 / 10

Bionominal nomenclature was given by

7 / 10

Taxonomy comprises

8 / 10

Scientific term for category is

9 / 10

Meristem are present in

10 / 10

Meristem are present in


Biology Quiz 19 Oct 2023

1 / 10

Which of the following is not present on some rank

2 / 10

The name of the plant order ends with

3 / 10

Which of the following is the highest rank

4 / 10

Order for convulvulaceae

5 / 10

Related families belong to the same

6 / 10

Which one of the following is not a category

7 / 10

Which of the following taxonomic categories contains organisms least similar to one another

8 / 10

More number of common characters are observed in members of a

9 / 10

Bionominal nomenclature was given by

10 / 10

The word ending with aceae indicates


Biology Quiz 20 Oct 2023

1 / 10

Zea mays belong to class

2 / 10

Which of the following pair have least common feature 

3 / 10

Details which is not present on herbarium sheet

4 / 10

Datura belong to taxonomic category

5 / 10

Details which is not present on herbarium sheet

6 / 10

Panthera and ape have common

7 / 10

From given pairs of options, which share maximum similarity

8 / 10

Convulvulaceae and solanaceae have all common except

9 / 10

Indian botanical garden located in

10 / 10

The word ending with ales indicates