Revision Booster Series


Biology Quiz 1 Aug 2023

1 / 10

Fusing gametes are morphologically distinct type in

2 / 10

Select the incorrect match form the following.

3 / 10

In angiosperms, triple fusion involves the union of

4 / 10

ABO blood grouping in human beings is an example of a) Incomplete dominance b) Co-dominance c) Complete dominance d) Pleotropy e) Multiple allelism The correct one (s) is/are

5 / 10

In human., which genotype of sperm when fuses with normal egg results in Klinefelter’s syndrome?

6 / 10

For which of the following codons, there would be no tRAN?

7 / 10

Arrange the following steps involved in DNA fingerprinting technique in correct order and choose the option accordingly.a) Transferring of DNA fragments to synthetic membrane. b) Digestion of DNA by restriction endonucleases. c) Hybridisation using labelled VNTR probe. d) Separation DNA fragments by electrophoresis.

8 / 10

Match the following columns and select the correct option w.r.t. lac operon.Column I Column II A. Z gene i. Codes for repressor protein B. Operator ii. Codes for 𝛃 galactosidase C. Regulator gene iii. Site for RNA polymerase attachment D. Promotor iv. Interacts with repressor protein

9 / 10

In the root nodules of leguminous plants, nitrogenase is protected from molecular oxygen due to presence of

10 / 10

Which of the following statements is not true regarding photosystem I involved in the light reaction in plants?


Biology Quiz 2 Aug 2023

1 / 10

How many matching are incorrect according to different organisms and their family : a. Man – Homo b. Housefly – Musca c. Housefly – Muscidae d. Mango – Anacardiaceae e. Wheat – Poaceae

2 / 10

Which of the following statement is true a. Diatoms are chrysophytes b. Diatoms are stagnant plants of water c. Diatoms are cheif producers of ocean d. In most of diatoms cell wall form two thin overlapping shells which fit together as in a soap box

3 / 10

Apocarpous condition is found in

4 / 10

A scar in seed through which seeds are attached to the fruit is known as

5 / 10

Among China rose, Mustard, Brinjal, Potato, Guava, Cucumber and tulip how many plants have superior ovary :

6 / 10

Which is incorrect :

7 / 10

Which is the incorrect statement regarding classification system

8 / 10

How many statements are correct with reference to Euglena : i. Euglena is a flagellate organism ii. Euglena when placed in continuous darkness, loses its photosynthetic activity and dies iii. The pigments of euglena are quite different from those of green plants (Higher plants)

9 / 10

Difference between Virus and Viroid is

10 / 10

When dikaryon is formed :


Biology Quiz 3 Aug 2023

1 / 10

How many matching are incorrect according to different organisms and their family : a. Man – Homo b. Housefly – Musca c. Housefly – Muscidae d. Mango – Anacardiaceae e. Wheat – Poaceae

2 / 10

Which of the following statement is true a. Diatoms are chrysophytes b. Diatoms are stagnant plants of water c. Diatoms are cheif producers of ocean d. In most of diatoms cell wall form two thin overlapping shells which fit together as in a soap box

3 / 10

Apocarpous condition is found in

4 / 10

A scar in seed through which seeds are attached to the fruit is known as

5 / 10

Among China rose, Mustard, Brinjal, Potato, Guava, Cucumber and tulip how many plants have superior ovary :

6 / 10

Which is incorrect :

7 / 10

Which is the incorrect statement regarding classification system

8 / 10

How many statements are correct with reference to Euglena : i. Euglena is a flagellate organism ii. Euglena when placed in continuous darkness, loses its photosynthetic activity and dies iii. The pigments of euglena are quite different from those of green plants (Higher plants)

9 / 10

Difference between Virus and Viroid is

10 / 10

When dikaryon is formed :


Biology Quiz 4 Aug 2023

1 / 10

Underground stem store food and can acts as :

2 / 10

Which one of the following feature are applicable upon Earthworm, Roundworm, Hookworm, Filariaworm : a. All are dioecious b. All are monoecious c. Bilateral symmetry d. Segmented body

3 / 10

In the given below example. How many plants are cryptogams and phanerogams respectively : Spirogyra, Sargassum, Fern, Funaria, Cycas, Pinus, Volvox, Adiantum, Salvinia, Equisetum, Ginkgo, Psilotum

4 / 10

Arrange the following in ascending order of similar characteristic. I. Family II. Genus Ill. Class IV. Species V. Order

5 / 10

Which of the following is not considered as a comb jellies :

6 / 10

In MOET cow is adminstered hormone with :

7 / 10

Tomato, brinjal and potato belongs to the family :

8 / 10

Rosette of leaves and a tuft of roots is found in which plant :

9 / 10

Which is correct statement :

10 / 10

Characteristic features of gymnosperms is/are: (a) Mycorrhiza found in Pinus (b) Dioecious plant is Pinus (c) Xerophytic characters found in the leaves (d) Haploid endosperm.


Biology Quiz 5 Aug 2023

1 / 10

In a cell in aerobic respiration what is the correct sequence of different process :

2 / 10

Which of the following feature are similar between non cyclic and cyclic photophosphorylation : a. Number of ATP production b. ATP production c. ATP, NADPH+H+ production d. Number of NADPH+H+ production

3 / 10

In C4 plant the light reaction are takes place in :

4 / 10

How many matching are correct according to activator of enzyme : a. PEPCO – Mg+2 b. RUBISCO – Mn+2 c. Alcohol dehydrogenase – Zn+2 d. Peroxidase, Nitrogenase – K+ e. Nitrogenase – Mg+2

5 / 10

A column of water within xylem vessels of tall trees does not break under its weight because of :

6 / 10

Which one of the following feature are similar among Antiport, Symport, Imbitition, Diffusion, Osmosis. a. All are passive process b. All are uphill process c. All are required special membrane protein

7 / 10

Read the given example properly - Morphine, Abrin, Ricin, Gums, Vinblastin, Anthocyanins Protein, Nucleic acid. How many statements are correct : a. All are belong from same category of chemical. b. All have identifiable function. c. All have not identifiable function at the moment. d. All are metabolites

8 / 10

What is the R group in the serine and alanineamino acid respectively :

9 / 10

Dense connective tissue are divided into dense regular and dense irregular tissue on the basis of which feature :

10 / 10

Which one of the following feature are not similar between maize and mango : a. Secondary growth b. Number of xylem c. Palisade parenchyma d. Root hair


Biology Quiz 6 Aug 2023

1 / 10

In human body other than kidney which organ or gland are also help in the elimination of excretory wastes : a. Lungs b. Liver c. Skin d. Cartilage e. Stomach

2 / 10

In laboratory two sample of Henley loop are placed X and Y. X are larger than Y. What is the conclusion are arised from these samples – a. X sample is of aquatic animal and Y is terrestrial animal b. X sample is of terrestrial animal and Y is aquatic animal c. Length of Henley loop is not related with habitat of animal d. Length of henley loop is directly propotional to amount of water occurs in that habitat at which animal live.

3 / 10

Blood pressure in the mammalian aorta is maximum during :

4 / 10

In our heart two problem are creates first in heart stop beating and second is heart muscle issuddenly damaged. This problem of heart are respectively :

5 / 10

Another centre present in the which region of the brain can moderate the function of the respiratory rhythm centre. What is the centre and region of the brain respectively :

6 / 10

In breathing inspiration and expiration initiated by which respectively :

7 / 10

Which one of the following statements are correct:

8 / 10

Marasmus disorder is produced by the simultaneous deficiency of :

9 / 10

Which one of the following mathematical relation are true :

10 / 10

Which one of the following statement are correct about respiratory quotient (RQ) : a. RQ may be 1 b. RQ may be more than 1 c. RQ may be less than 1 d. RQ may be infinity


Biology Quiz 7 Aug 2023

1 / 10

Which of the following is the correct sequence of events in the origin of life : I. Formation of protobionts II. Synthesis of organic monomers III. Synthesis of organic polymers IV. Formation of DNA-based genetic system

2 / 10

During experiment upon drosophila morgan saw quickly that when the two genes in a dihybrid cross were situated on the same chromosomes, the proportion of parental gene combinations were much higher than the non parental type. What is the behaviour of genes behind this phenomena:

3 / 10

In a male person after vesectomy what is the condition in his body :

4 / 10

Which one of the following statements about morula in humans is correct :

5 / 10

A person in your home suddenly feel earthquakes then what is the immediate condition in the body: a. Glycogenolysis b. Glycogenesis c. Breakdown of lipids and proteins d. Decrease the strength of heart contraction

6 / 10

The hypersecretion of GH in child and adult causes disease respectively :

7 / 10

A man is eating the variety of food. During eating is the food they smell the food and after eating the food he realise that smell of food and taste of food are very good. Which sensory organ are work for this realisation respectively :

8 / 10

The cerebral cortex contains a large regions that are neither clearly sensory nor motor in function. These regions are called as :

9 / 10

Which of the following are correct representation of sarcomere :

10 / 10

The pectoral girdle consists of :


Biology Quiz 8 Aug 2023

1 / 10

Many species extinction in the last 500 years eg., passenger pigeon, steller's sea cow were due to which reason :

2 / 10

What is the correct equation of species area relationships C = Intercept S = species richness A = Area Z = regression coefficient

3 / 10

In an area, as the succession proceeds what changes occurs in that areas :

4 / 10

In ecosystem at which trophic level human are placed : a. may be second trophic level b. may be third trophic level c. may be first trophic level d. may be fourth trophic level

5 / 10

If in a pond there were 50 water Hyacinth plant last year and through reproduction 10 new plants are added, taking the current population to 60. What is the birth rate for this plant :

6 / 10

Which one of the following habitat in which life did not exist :

7 / 10

Which of the following are palindromic sequence:

8 / 10

What is the similarity between inbreeding and out crossing :

9 / 10

A student when hear that he is failed in exam. after hearing this news he mentally disturbed and goes into depression. His parents are goes with student to a doctor then doctor suggested which drug :

10 / 10

In antibody molecule the disulphide bond are present between : a. Two heavy chain b. Two light chain c. Heavy and light chain


Biology Quiz 9 Aug 2023

1 / 10

Somatic hybridisation is accomplished by :

2 / 10

How many diseases are mendalian disorders Haemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Thalassemia, sickel - cell anaemia, Pernicious Anaemia, colour blindness, night blindness, glycosuria :

3 / 10

The secretory phase in the human menstrual cycle is also called:

4 / 10

Late detection and improper treatment of STIs leads to

5 / 10

Which of the following statements are correct with reference to papaya plants : a. Autogamy will not occur b. Geitonogamy will not occur c. Xenogamy occur d. Only staminate or pistillate flowers occur

6 / 10

It is possible to store pollen grains of a large number of species for many years. Which type of chemical is used at which temperature

7 / 10

For formation of male gametophyte and female gametophyte which kind of process is similar in angiosperm

8 / 10

Which of the following statements are incorrect according to isogametes of cladophora

9 / 10

For upgradation of quality of fuel and quality of vehicle engines which term are used :

10 / 10

The average temperature at surface of earth with out green house effect would have been :


Biology Quiz 10 Aug 2023

1 / 10

In a study, which cells are found in COVID-19 patients 'bode well' for long term immunity ::

2 / 10

Which ancestral man first started ceremonial burial :

3 / 10

In which type of natural selection more individuals acquire peripheral character value at both ends of the distribution curve:

4 / 10

Velocity of air between the collecting plates in the electrostatic precipitator must be :

5 / 10

Which association exemplifies commensalism (a) Orchid and Mango (b) Egret and Cattle (c) Clown fish and Adamsia (d) Barnacle and Balaenoptera

6 / 10

Use of microorganisms for the disposal of pollutants is termed as

7 / 10

Transgenic plants are produced by

8 / 10

Downstream processing of drug include

9 / 10

Which one is vectorless gene transfer method

10 / 10

What causes shivering in malaria :


Biology Quiz 11 Aug 2023

1 / 10

Copy - ' Lubb ' sound produced during heart beat is caused by 

2 / 10

' Lubb ' sound produced during heart beat is caused by 

3 / 10

The respiratory centre, which regulates respiration,is located in 

4 / 10

Ptyalin is the another of 

5 / 10

Witch of the following is/are free living nitrogen fixers 

6 / 10

Witch rang of wavelength ( in nm ) is called photo synthetically active radiation ( PAR ) 

7 / 10

  Electrontransporty System ( ETS ) is located in mitochondrial 

8 / 10

Coconut water contain

9 / 10

A gland not associated with the alimentary canal is

10 / 10

Hepato pancreatic duct opens in to the duodenum and carries 


Biology Quiz 12 Aug 2023

1 / 10

Most of the bacteria are

2 / 10

Which of the following use water from their environment as circulating fluid

3 / 10

Alertness pupillaly dilation and piloerection are due to the effect of 

4 / 10

A dental disease characterized by mottling of teeth due to ingredient in drinking water, namely 

5 / 10

The hydrolytic action of the following enzyme produces pentose sugar 

6 / 10

Which of the following carnival nerve of man is both sensory and motor 

7 / 10

Streaming of cytoplasm I cyclosis is seen in

8 / 10

Which of the following molecules is the most toxic to the cells 

9 / 10

Ammonia and urea are waste products derived from the metabolic breakdown of

10 / 10

A healthy person will not excrete in its urine